
Is it love at first sight? No, it can’t be. I don’t believe in love at first sight; plus it was more of a matter of “irritation at first conversation”.

Is it infatuation? Nope.

Maybe it’s a plain-old-crush. Yes! That is what it seems to be.

How did I go from sheer irritation to crush mode in under a week? Funny thing, I honestly just decided to like him instead of having him get under my skin every time he opened his mouth.

Now here is the conundrum of this whole situation. When I feel these strange “crush-frenzy” feelings coming on, I react one of 2 ways:

  1. Blush and get giddy. Never ceasing to smile and lapping up every word.
  2. Get all serious and business like. Not really smiling and ignoring the poor guy to the point of him thinking that I don’t care for him at all! Yet, all the while I’m hyper aware of him. Aware of any fleeting glances that might come my way.

Hopeless is what I am, when it comes to the matters of the heart. It’s so lovely and extremely confusing to experience these gushing emotions that make me feel like a 13 y/o girl at a Justin Bieber concert. Oh not to mention, embarrassing. Some days I feel like it would be better if I didn’t feel these feelings at all!

Thankfully I realise that should I want a relationship, this is just part and parcel of what I need to go through to get there.

So what’s my way forward to avoid this crush frenzy feelings? No cooking clue! But I shall certainly take it each day as it comes, each crush as they come my way. Hoping to keep a level head amidst all the crush-frenzy.