Cassandra Clare

What a captivating author!

I never was one to read fantasy, but Cassandra Clare captured interest from the get go. Someone recommended I read her books, and as you can tell, I did.

I had inkling of where to start, so I picked the 1st booking saw on Kindle (which happened to be The Infernal Devices Part 1). Not being anĀ  avid fantasy reader, it took my imagination a while to kick in and envision what she so beautifully laid out before me. I loved her books so much that once I was done with that I swiftly moved on to Cassandra Clare’s; “The Mortal Instruments”. I read through all 6 book in as short a time as 2 weeks. (Which is very fast for someone like me, who tends to be a slow reader).

I cannot wait to climb under the covers and cosy up to the next few books she has to offer